Monday, August 27, 2007

September meeting

Hello all,
the september meeting will be held at the regular time and regular date (first thursday of the month). That's Sept 6th at 6pm and the Penn Ave baptist church basement..

see you there...

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Outreach ideas, Irv Sheffey

Dear Alliance Member,

As part of our publicity and outreach efforts to people who live around Pope Branch Park, we are conducting a “virtual brainstorming” session. Following is a list of a few ideas on how we can conduct reach out to the community and enroll them into the activities of the Pope Branch Park Restoration Alliance. Consider these ideas as simply being “seeds” to get the conversation started. I’ve included a few basic rules that apply to brainstorming to guide us. Keep in mind that the sky is the limit, so brainstorm away. Add an idea or two or three (or more) to the existing list and reply to all so that others can see what you’ve generated. Review the postings by others from time to time and continue to add again and again, each time “replying to all” to keep the ball rolling. I will compile all the suggestions into a master list and publish it after the Alliance’s next meeting.

Following are some rules related to brainstorming:
We are attempting to collect as many ideas as possible from all participants with no criticisms or judgments made while ideas are being generated.
All ideas are welcome no matter how silly or far out they seem. Be creative. The more ideas the better because at this point you don't know what might work.
All ideas are equally valid at this point.
Build on others' ideas.
Don’t limit yourself

Some ideas:
1. go door to door to homes along the creek, ask neighbors what they would like to see happen in and around Pope Branch Park
2. conduct a poll
3. ask neighbors to adopt-a-spot within the park to keep clean and free of invasive plants
4. host a community cook out; celebrate the park
5. post signs along the edges of the park informing the community that “we all live in a watershed”; create ownership
6. drain stenciling
7. sponsor an art show; painting and drawings of the park by local children & adults (possibly with local schools and/or churches)
8. poetry contest; peoples reflections of the park and nature
9. art contest to design a logo for the Alliance
10. Encourage local Civic Associations (Dupont Park, Penn Branch Citizens/Civic Association and Fort Davis) to assist us in getting the word out and recruiting new members.
11. 11. Encourage local churches to assist us in getting the word out and recruiting new members.
12. 12. Plan cleanup(s) and invite community residents along the park, as well as non residential groups. Plan an incentive for local residents to turn out.

Friday, August 3, 2007

August Meeting minutes

Pope Branch Park Restoration Alliance
August 2, 2007 Meeting minutes

In attendance:
Joseph Glover, chair,
Irv Sheffey
Gail Benjamin,
Trinh Doan,

Action items/ Agenda:
(1) Execution of the Pope Branch Task Order – we need DC WASA to give us the updates.
(2) Outreach – recruitment for governance maintenance on Pope Branch Park.
(3) Trail construction partnership with DPR and REI.
(4) Anacostia Watershed Citizens’ Summit report.

Agency Status Reports
DDOE: (T. Doan)
• DDOE encourage Minnesota – Fairlawn residents to volunteer ~1.5 hr. to maintain governance, i.e. trash pick up, plant maintenance. Would like to put in action this Spring ’07 when we get recruitment.
• Contractor, Black & Vetch (B&V) is on schedule for designing alternative technical memo. The memorandum will be submitted on August 26, 2007, expected date is end of September. There may be one or two months turn around on DATM approval of alternative

DCWASA: (e-mail correspondence from Mike Thorstenson)
• B&V is performing the necessary background information, surveying, geological mapping, and WASA record drawing search to identify potential design alternatives for both the stream restoration and the sewer rehabilitation.
• B&V is expected to give initial cost estimates to be included in the recommended alternative. If there are multiple viable options, then they would be identified at this time as well. There are no complications at this time. September 26 is when the plan will be submitted from B&V.
• B&V has been scouting Pope Branch neighborhoods for markings. Good progress.

DDPR: (G. Benjamin)
• The MOU for installing a rain garden at the church is in a draft form and soon needed a signature from director of DPR. PBPRA has agreed to maintain the rain garden. From the MOU, the maintenance include: mulching, removal of debris, trimming, trash pick up, watering, staking the shrubs/trees, treating diseased trees.
• I. Sheffey suggested we need trainings on the maintenance of rain gardens before we take the responsibilities. DC Greenworks has maintained many greenroofing, rain barrels, and young tree. We could consult these people. Steve Coleman of Watts Branch has Washington Parks and People to maintain their gardens. We may want to explore this option.
• No updates on the walking trail of Pope Branch. (Refer to Jesse Rounds)

DDOT: (no updates)

Outreach and Education for Pope Branch areas: (I. Sheffey)
• Service projects for students in W7 schools (Kimball ES, Randall HS, ect) on installing Storm Drain Makers. Casey Trees has a program called: Project Slurp about storm drain stenciling. DDOE has all the supplies for the storm drain marker installing.
• Prince Georges, Montgomery Counties and Virginia have an “Anti-littering Campaign” addressing responsible actions. Irv Sheffey has an idea of forming an “I Care” campaign for DC to promote awareness of clean/ trash free environments.
• As part of the publicity & outreach efforts, PBPRA would like to conduct a “virtual brainstorming” session. An e-mail will come out with a list of ideas. An individual will “reply all” with more ideas. I. Sheffey will oversee the flow of emails and will compile all the suggestions into a master list. Some suggested ideas already are: (1) go door to door to homes along the creek; ask neighbors what they would like to see happen in and around Pope Branch Park. (2) Conduct a poll. (3) Ask neighbors to adopt-a-spot with the park to keep clean and free of invasive plants. (4) Host a community cook out; celebrate the park. (5) Post signs along the edges of the park informing the community that “we all live in a watershed”; create ownership. ect….

Announcements: (all)
- M. Thorstenson (DWASA) has moved to Chicago with his wife. However, Mike is planning to see this subwatershed plan get through.
- Josh Burch (ECC) has resigned.
- DC is proposing a couple of new car licenses. Sam Jordan of W7 suggests “save the Anacostia” plate. Another suggestion is “No taxation without representation”. Carol Schwartz in 2000 proposed the license plates, but the bill did not pass.

Next meeting: Thursday – September 6, 2007. 6:30- 7:30 P.M.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

August 2nd Meeting, Today!

Hope to see everyone from each department. We will discuss status of the Task Order, and we'll talk about watershed events for kids.

The meeting location will be at The Pennsylvania Avenue Baptist Church, 3000 Pa. Ave., SE Washington, DC 20020.

More to come. Stay tuned.