The preliminary stream designs are moving along with rough sketches presently available. Please contact Josh Burch at DDOE for more information: (202) 535-2247 or
The Pope Branch stream restoration and sewer line replacement/repair project is a multi-agency effort aimed at improving the water quality of this small tributary to the Anacostia River in SE Washington, DC. This project is a unique partnership of the District Department of the Environment (DDOE), the Washington Area Sewer Authority (WASA), the District Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) and the Pope Branch Citizens Alliance. Together, we are the Pope Branch Alliance. Our goals are to rehabiliate an aging sewer line that runs roughly parallel to the stream, restore the stream using natural channel restoration, and add some walking paths through the park to encourage public use of this city park. Other participants in the project include Earth Conservation Corps and the DC Chapter of the Sierra Club.