Monday, October 29, 2007

November 1st meeting

same place, same time. hope to see some new faces at this meeting.
6-7:30 at Penn Ave Baptist Church

Thursday, October 25, 2007

October Meeting Minutes

Pope Branch Park Restoration Alliance
October 4, 2007 Meeting Minutes
6:00 to 7:30 PM
Pennsylvania Avenue Baptist Church
3000 Pennsylvania Ave., SE
Washington, DC 20020

Joseph Glover, Chair
Irv Sheffey, Sierra Club
Julie Rones
Jesse Rounds, DPR
Peter Hill, DPR
Mike Thorstenson, DCWASA

Approval of October Agenda – Passed
Approval of September Minutes – Passed
Stream Restoration & Sewer Rehabilitation Pope Branch Project
Design Alternative Technical Memorandum submitted by Black & Veatch
i. Distributed amongst DCWASA, DPR and DDOE on 10-3-07
ii. Currently being reviewed by DCWASA, DPR and DDOE
iii. Provides concept level designs for stream restoration and sewer rehab components – no details
iv. Outlines opinion of probable construction cost (OPCC) for both sewer and stream restoration
Schedule Update
i. Black & Veatch is on hold pending agreement from the MOU agencies as to direction / approach following DATM
ii. Assuming Black & Veatch is provided direction in 30 days, Final Designs expected April 2007
iii. DATM raised ancillary issues that may extend design time

i. Initial OPCC by Black & Veatch greater than anticipated

1. Questions regarding estimate computation

2. Cost saving options being explored

a. Expected with this submittal (DATM)
ii. Stream Restoration Details
1. DATM was vague regarding certain details and being clarified week of Oct 8th
i. Public involvement limited to this point, anticipate greater role as design proceeds past this stage
ii. J. Glover requesting electronic copy of documents previously supplied by WASA
Rain Gardens – DDOE / DPR
Schedule proceeding in permitting stages
i. DDOE agreed to provide and pay for a water source that will be used to maintain the rain gardens on M Place
After DDOE receives signed plans from DPR, it will organize a kick-off planting event to recognize the crucial partnership established amongst the agencies and PBPRA
Branch Ave. Culvert Repair – DDOT (not present)
Copy of Final Designs provided to J. Glover
i. DCWASA & design team previously provided information to assist in design
Culvert project already advertised (not certain on bid date)
Culvert project will have completed or nearing completion when stream restoration project is starting
Public Outreach – Irv Sheffey, Sierra Club
Having trouble getting people involved, key questions to answer
i. Why is it important? How does this affect them?
ii. What’s involved? What needs to be done?

2 Options
i. Go to other agency/ ANC meetings and present / recruit?
ii. Advertise and get people to attend this meeting?
iii. Consensus for better result is to go to the other meetings.
Example of good outreach: Watershed Summit
i. Presentation by Irv Sheffey highlighting Pope Branch
Requesting any photos available from any MOU agency & Black & Veatch
i. WASA will request that photos be supplied to addresses provided (Irv Sheffey, Joseph Glover)
Next Meeting – November 1, 2007 at 6pm at same location

Minutes taken by Mr. Mike Thorstenson, DCWASA

We thank Mr. Thorstenson for a fine job.

If you have questions or concerns; please E-mail them to Joseph A. Glover, Chair PBPRA.

Joseph A. Glover, Chair Pope Branch Park Restoration Alliance (PBPRA)

Monday, October 1, 2007

October 4th monthly meeting REMINDER

Hello all residents of, friends of, associates of the Pope Branch watershed. We will be meeting at our regular time - that's THURSDAY 10/4/07 AT 18:00 HRS.. OR 6:00pm in the Penn Ave. Baptist Church basement.
Agenda items will include the rain garden kickoff event, news on the stream restoration designs, and general updates from all of the stakeholders. Hope you can make it.